We are pleased to share that recordings from the 1st International Conference on Clinical and Scientific Advances in ME/CFS and Long COVID are now available!
This event, the first in Portugal, brought together leading scientists, clinicians, and international experts to share and discuss the latest biomedical evidence and findings on ME/CFS and the nexus between Long COVID and ME/CFS.

• Conference Recordings from OMF-Associated Researchers:
- Wenzhong Xiao, PhD, presents: “Severely Ill Patient Big Data Study and Comparing ME/CFS with other diseases.”
- David Systrom, MD, PhD, presents: “The Nexus Between ME/CFS and Long COVID: Insights from the NIH RECOVER Initiative and the NIH ME/CFS and Long COVID Commonalities Task Force.”
- David Systrom, MD, PhD, presents: “Dyspnea in ME/CFS and Long COVID.”
- Lucinda Bateman, MS, MD, presents: “Covid Long Haulers, Presentation of Long COVID and Post-Viral Syndromes, Common Comorbidities of Long COVID and the Design of Simple Treatment Plans.”
- Linda Tannenbaum, OMF Founder and CEO, presents: “Complex Diseases Require Open and International Collaboration.”
- Jonas Bergquist, MD, PhD, presents: “Metabolic Profiling of ME Patients under Mild Exertion during Home Visits.”
- Maureen Hanson, PhD, presents: “Circulating Signals of ME/CFS in Response to Exercise.”
- Young Investigator Panel:
- Johanna Squires
- Sarra Maan Al-Zyed
- Discussion: “Insights on Getting Involved in ME/CFS and Long COVID Research and Initiating and Running Clinical Trials.”
For all other sessions, please visit the Aliança Millions Missing YouTube channel.