Dear Friends,
Today, November 29, is your LAST day to have your contribution TRIPLED! If you haven’t already, please consider donating today to triple your impact on small OMF supported clinical treatment trials. The match runs out in just a few hours!
Earlier this month, we shared the heartbreaking story of Josiah and Thomas, two brothers with ME/CFS, and Aedan, who is sick with Long COVID. All once active and healthy, their childhoods have been forcibly paused by multi-system chronic, complex diseases (msCCD). Now, they are waiting in the darkness of their bedrooms for answers when they should be out playing with friends. Sadly, these stories are shared by countless families across the world.
As a mother of a child with ME/CFS, I know this is a pain that no parent or caregiver should experience. In 2006, our world changed forever. Our 16-year-old daughter was so severely ill she could not get out of bed. Overnight she went from being a healthy teenage girl to no longer having the energy to do the most basic of tasks. My husband and I took her to see 20 doctors only to find there were no answers.
She eventually got a diagnosis of ME/CFS, and we were told that there are no recommended treatment options. Not one. As parents, we are most worried for our children. They deserve care and attention, and when they are sick, all we want to do is make them better. This was the reason that I started Open Medicine Foundation (OMF).
Fast forward to 2022, OMF has marked its 10-year anniversary. This is a huge milestone for OMF. A decade of research progress has now allowed us to move forward with a new arm of research: small clinical treatment trials. Small treatment trials on existing and new drugs waiting to be released are the best way to expedite the discovery of effective, affordable, and accessible treatments.
In the last hours of #TripleGivingTuesday, please consider giving today to TRIPLE your impact on small, OMF supported clinical treatment trials.
Your gift of any amount adds up and makes a real difference as we work towards our mission of ending ME/CFS and msCCD together.
And lastly – I most sincerely thank all who participate in our research projects and to all who donate, fundraise, and help spread the word about our urgent work. Your continued support fills us with gratitude, your resilience inspires us, and your generous donations make our research possible.
I am grateful beyond words for your continued friendship and support.
With HOPE for all,
Linda Tannenbaum
OMF Founder & CEO/President