We are excited to announce that the 15th Invest in ME Research International ME Conference 2023 (IIMEC15) and 12th International Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium 2023 are set to take place May 31- June 2 in Cambridge, England! This year, the conference plays a pivotal role in our May Momentum initiative, as it not only propels the research of ME/CFS forward but also bridges the understanding between Long COVID and ME/CFS.
We are thrilled to share that several OMF-funded researchers will be speaking at the conference, offering their unique perspectives and groundbreaking findings:
- Wenzhong Xiao will delve into the realm of Metabolic Modeling
- David Systrom will share insights from Invasive Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing.
- Jonas Bergquist will discuss the connection between Post-COVID ME/CFS and Comparative Studies.
- Alain Moreau will explore the transition from Long COVID to ME/CFS.
- Rob Phair will offer perspective on his Interferon-alpha-itaconate shunt hypothesis for the pathogenesis of ME/CFS.
- Ron Davis’s topic will be confirmed soon.
Our esteemed CEO and Founder, Linda Tannenbaum, will also be in attendance!
As part of our May Momentum campaign, we want to emphasize the importance of collaboration in scientific discovery. This conference serves as a platform for sharing knowledge and fostering partnerships, bringing together researchers from around the world. It’s through such collaboration that we can accelerate progress and bring hope to those affected by ME/CFS.
Updates on ME/CFS research from around the globe will be presented, adding to the wealth of knowledge gained from the previous two days of the BRMEC12 closed researchers Colloquium. This exchange of ideas and findings is the momentum we need to push the boundaries of our understanding and treatment of ME/CFS and related conditions.
Learn more about the 15th Annual Conference at
Our community’s continuous support drives us forward, and we’re excited to share the progress that your contributions are making possible. Together, we’re making strides in the world of ME/CFS research, and together, we’ll continue our journey towards a world without ME/CFS, Long COVID, and related diseases.
PS: Do you want to help speed up the research process even more? Now you can!
In case you missed it, we have launched OMF’s StudyME, a participant registry powered by StudyPages, to connect those who want to participate in research studies to the researchers who conduct them.
Stand up and be counted! Help us enroll 100,000 participants, comprising of individuals afflicted with ME/CFS, Long COVID, Fibromyalgia and related post-infection illnesses, as well as healthy volunteers. OMF’s StudyME makes recruiting faster, promotes global collaboration and will help make it easier for researchers to get grants with a large and diverse pool of participants.
Open Medicine Foundation also accepts gifts of stock, cryptocurrency, real estate and retirement assets. Learn more today.