ME / CFS Collaborative Research Center at Uppsala University

We are proud to announce that OMF has funded the establishment of a third ME / CFS Collaborative Research Center, at Uppsala University in Sweden.

Jonas Bergquist, MD, PhD, in the Uppsala University lab.

The new Uppsala Center will be led by OMF Scientific Advisory Board member Jonas Bergquist, MD, PhD, and will work synergistically with the ME / CFS Collaborative Research Center at Stanford led by Ronald W. Davis, PhD, and the ME / CFS Collaborative Research Center at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Affiliated Hospitals, led by Ronald G. Tompkins, MD, ScD, and Wenzhong Xiao, PhD, of Harvard University. All science funded by OMF continues to be under the overall direction of our Scientific Advisory Board, directed by Ron Davis.

This new Collaborative Center focuses on the targeted molecular diagnosis of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS) with the goal of evidence-based strategies for interventions. In Uppsala, significant efforts are being brought to bear on the analysis of cerebrospinal fluid as a unique source of neurochemical biomarkers of ME / CFS. High-resolution mass spectrometry will be used for extremely sensitive detection of endogenous biomolecules. This unique technology, in combination with the development of clinically relevant screening and targeted methods for sampling, will deliver previously unattainable insights into the pathophysiology of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS).

Uppsala University, Sweden
Jonas Bergquist, MD, PhD, Prof, Director
Kumari Ubhayasekhera, PhD
Annie Bynke, Med Student
Rizwan Muhammad, Guest Researcher
N.N. PhD Student
Torsten Gordh, MD, PhD, Prof em

Karolinska Institutet

Per Julin, MD, PhD

Anders Rehnström, PhD

Anna Lindquist, MD

Emelie Karlsson, RN

Bragee Clinics, Sweden

Bo C. Bertilsson, MD, PhD

Björn Bragée, MD

Gunnar Olsson, MD, PhD

Jonas Axelsson, MD, PhD

Britt Bragée, RPT, PhD

Gabriella Bernhoff, RPT, PhD student

Brandon Drum, Med Student

Michael Fahlqvist, MD – internship

Michos Anastasios, MD

Gottfries Clinic

CG Gottfries, MD, PhD

Linkoping University

Anders Rosén, MD, PhD

Björn Ingelsson, PhD

Eirini Apostoulo, PhD


Carmen Scheibenbogen, MD, PhD

University of East Anglia

Simon Carding, PhD

Learn more about the  ME / CFS Collaborative Research Center at Uppsala University here.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS) Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS), Fibromyalgia Leading Research. Delivering Hope.Open Medicine Foundation®

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