An Announcement from Ron Davis, PhD

An Announcement from Ron Davis, PhD, Professor of Biochemistry and Genetics at Stanford University, Director of the OMF Scientific Advisory Board and Director of the Stanford Genome Technology Center:

The ME / CFS Collaborative Research Center at Stanford is pleased to announce the

4th Annual ME / CFS Working Group Meeting on the Molecular Basis of ME / CFS. Due to Covid-19, this will be a virtual meeting, and we are adding a number of guests that are involved in the disease.

The goal of the meeting is for the scientists to update each other on their progress and to strategize on how to make faster progress towards diagnosis, treatments, prevention and a cure. The meeting will be held from Tuesday, September 8 through Friday, September 11. There are 109 registered participants. Stanford University will be supporting the Zoom link.

Unfortunately, the Community Day at Stanford has been canceled due to the pandemic. However, after our Working Group meeting, we will investigate whether we can produce a series of videos that will be accessible to everyone. Hopefully next year we will all be able to get together again.

As always, thank you to OMF for their dedicated support.



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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS) Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS), Fibromyalgia Leading Research. Delivering Hope.Open Medicine Foundation®

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